
Active Platforms

KCDF has developed several platforms, that are related to the field of education and entrepreneurship. These platforms provide fast and qualitative services, liaising education system with the labor market or higher education, and facilitating the process of recruiting potential employees.


Career Guidance Information System, Busulla.COM

Busulla.COM is the official platform of the Ministry of Education and Science for vocational guidance, education, and career orientation. The implementation of this career guidance model in the Republic of Kosovo is made possible thanks to the public-private partnership between Smart Bits, LuxDev and MES.

KCDF provides services related to the promotion of the career guidance platform, which serves all schools in the Republic of Kosovo by providing support related to career guidance and liaison of the education system with the labor market.

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Scholarship Negotiation Platform, Bursisti.COM

Bursisti.COM is a digital platform implemented by KCDF that helps to aggregate the purchasing power of graduates and increase their bargaining and representation power in higher education institutions, in relation to their interests and needs.

By creating an account and showing the favorite educational institution and department, Bursisti.COM issues general reports with the total number of students who have shown common interests and puts them in contact with the relevant institutions. In this way, the bargaining power of the students increases, enabling them to receive a favorable offer for studies.

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