Summary of Services

Provided Services

KCDF is committed to equal representation and approximation of all stakeholders in the field of career guidance, education, and the labor market. The organization aims to support stakeholders in these areas, providing them with a well-informed decision-making basis through expertise in the education and labor market system, education and training services, conducting studies and research, supporting in-school initiatives, and promoting career guidance activities.

Analyzing the education system and labor market

Cooperation with chambers of commerce, businesses, and business associations to conduct research regarding the indicators of the labor market. At the same time, KCDF works closely with schools to provide them support in forming partnerships with businesses in order to reduce the gap between the demanded skills and profiles.

Organizing the education and career guidance forum

The many partnerships KCDF has with public institutions (ministries and municipalities), international and local organizations, and business associations enable the organization of several workshops and regular meetings for coordination purposes.

Some of the objectives that are anticipated to be achieved through the organization of this forum are:

  • Identifying the public institutions, professionals, and relevant organizations for participation and presentation of relevant topics;
  • Identifying current topics for discussion with forum members;
  • Advocating and supporting the development of standards for providing career guidance services;
  • Conducting research on adequate topics;
  • Discussion on key topics related to career-oriented policy-making;
  • Identifying fields for intervention through possible projects and cooperation between stakeholders;
  • Coordination of work and projects between actors working in the respective sector.

Coordination of Career Clubs

Through cooperation with other international organizations, KCDF is responsible for establishing and ensuring sustainability of Career Clubs in lower secondary schools, gymnasiums, and vocational schools.

Career clubs are extra-curricular initiatives led by students at the respective schools, with the purpose of empowering and involving them in activities related to career orientation and entrepreneurship. KCDF supports Career Clubs in the following ways:

  • Preparing and updating the dynamic work plan for each school year;
  • Supporting clubs for cooperation with businesses, professionals, and institutions;
  • Continuous support of the Secretariat of each club;
  • Promoting cooperation between all clubs and organizing joint events.


Coordination of Career Centers

Career Centers that offer services in vocational schools use the Busulla.COM platform as the main tool in providing career orientation and professional guidance services for students.

Therefore, KCDF provides continuous support to Career Center staff in using the Busulla.COM platform and other platforms provided by our organization. Furthermore, by providing professional training and aligning activities, KCDF helps Career Centers in extending their campaigns about the profiles offered to lower secondary school students.

Implementation of projects

Thanks to our staff’s experience and expertise, we are already engaged in the implementation of several projects with different partners and beneficiaries. Through these projects we aim to be as close as possible to students, parents, and teachers.

At the same time, our projects include collaborating with business representatives and businesses in order to understand their needs and interests and address them together with relevant education institutions.

The implementation of projects is done through the support of various donor organizations and public institutions.